Change - Announcement of Cessation :: Resignation of Director - Ms Janice Wu Sung Sung Issuer & Securities Issuer/ ManagerIFAST CORPORATION LTD. SecuritiesIFAST CORPORATION LTD. - SG1AF5000000 - AIY Stapled SecurityNo Announcement Details Announcement TitleChange - Announcement of Cessation Date & Time of Broadcast20-Sep-2024 17:19:37 StatusNew Announcement Sub TitleResignation of Director - Ms Janice Wu Sung Sung Announcement ReferenceSG240920OTHRWKII Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)Lim Chung Chun DesignationChairman/Chief Executive Officer Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below. Refer to the Online help for the format)Janice Wu Sung Sung Additional Details Age55 Shareholding interest in the listed issuer and its subsidiariesYes Attachments Appendix-Directorships Past and Present_Janice Wu.pdf